Is someone in your family a hoarder? If so, you might have health and safety concerns regarding the way they live. You might care enough about this person to confront them about the issue. However, you must approach the situation gently and delicately. You must also offer solutions. So, here is a guide to help you know how to handle a family hoarding situation.

Talk to a hoarding cleaning company

First, you might want to gather some information about hoarding cleanup services by talking to a cleaning company that offers this service. When talking to them, you can tell them about the person and their living conditions. You can also ask about their procedures, crew size, and costs. Gathering this information is vital as you'll need to give the information to the hoarder in your life.

Discuss the problem with your loved one

Next, you should talk to your loved one about their hoarding problem. However, you might want to research the dangers of hoarding before having this conversation. By researching it, you can offer a list of the top reasons you want to address this problem. For example, you can tell them you're concerned about their safety. You can discuss the risks of losing their home due to the city condemning it. Additionally, you can let them know that you care about them and that you've researched ways to clean up the cluttered home. If they agree to your help, you can contact the cleaning company to begin the project.

Clean the home

A cleaning company that offers hoarding cleanup services will schedule the services for your loved one's home. They'll show up with workers and order dumpsters for the trash. You might have to assist with helping your loved one decide what to save and what to keep, which is a big job. Hoarders often have a difficult time getting rid of things. If you suspect this will be a problem, you might want to encourage your loved one to seek therapy before attempting to clean their home. Therapy can help hoarders understand why they hoard and how to stop the habit.

Contact a cleaning company

If you're tired of seeing your loved one live in an unsafe, cluttered house, you might want to contact a cleaning company. You can ask the questions you have and ask for a quote for services. Call a hoarding cleanup company today for more information. 
