Small businesses generally take care of their own daily cleaning, but should still utilize a commercial cleaning service on a regular basis for a deep clean. Just how regular this should be will depend on your specific needs, and this need will change depending on the season. What sort of summer deep clean does your small business require?
Everybody sweats, and some people can sweat up to 14 liters per day. While most of that perspiration is captured by a person's clothing, some will still escape. Consider the amount of sweat that your business's upholstery absorbs during the warmer months, whether it's the seating your staff uses, or sofas or waiting room chairs for your customers. As part of a summer cleaning, this upholstery must be shampooed and allowed to dry. Drying can be easier during the summer months, as the windows can be opened, allowing warm air to circulate.
Your Rugs
This warm air circulation also allows your rugs to be shampooed and dried, which means summer is an ideal time to have this work done. Damp rugs aren't exactly good for business, so arrange for this aspect of deep cleaning to be scheduled on a day when you're closed. You can come back to work and it will almost be as though you have new rugs.
Your Air Conditioner
Sure, the warmer months allow you to benefit from ventilation that aids the cleaning process, but you'll likely also rely on another form of ventilation during working hours. Summer can mean that your air conditioning will be more crucial than ever, so your summer deep clean needs to help the AC stay in good working order. Ensure that your chosen cleaning company removes the unit's filters (located directly inside the wall vents). These can then be cleaned and put back into position, or even simply replaced. This becomes critical in summer, as the filters tend to catch a lot of pollen and other airborne contaminants.
Your Windows
It's not only your business's AC that can catch pollen. Summer is also the best time for your windows to receive a thorough cleaning. Many plants expel the most pollen during spring, and this can easily accumulate on the glass. By summer, this accumulated pollen is likely to be as severe as it ever will be during the year, which is why the warmest months are the best time for your windows to receive a thorough cleaning.
Summer might be downtime for many people, but in terms of your business's cleaning needs, it should be a productive time to clean. For more information, contact a commercial cleaning service.