Beets provide many antioxidants for the body, and the juice is often used for a natural dye in fabrics and cosmetics. However, getting the juice on your carpets seems like a nightmare, since these stains have a reputation for being hard to remove. Luckily, it is easier than you think to remove beet juice stains from your carpet. Follow this guide to clean beet juice from your carpet.
Prepare to Clean the Stain
To remove beet juice stains, gather:
- white paper towels or white cloths
- liquid dish soap
- white sponge
- bowl
- electric fan
- white bread
- white vinegar
- foam shaving cream
- soda water
- baking soda or baking powder
Study the label on your carpet for suitable cleaning methods. If the carpet is made from natural fibers, you may want to consider hiring professional cleaners. Vacuum the area to remove dried particles.
Pre-treat the stain by sprinkling baking soda or baking powder on the spot, and let it stand several minutes. Soak remaining juice with paper towels or white bread.
Apply Liquid Dish Soap or Soda Water
Check all cleaners for color reaction on a hidden carpet section. Before applying the soap, blot the stain with a 50/50 mixture of lemon juice and warm water to enhance cleaning power. Avoid using water that is too hot, or it will push the stain further in the carpet.
Mix a tablespoon of liquid dish soap in two cups of warm water in a bowl, and stir until suds form. Dab a sponge or cloth in the mixture, wring excess liquid, and dab the spot. Don't scrub to avoid distorting texture.
Change cloths or sponges as needed, and repeat until the stain has been removed. Mist a clean paper towel in cool water, blot the spot again to rinse the suds, then let the carpet dry.
Rinsing is important since it dish soap acts like a magnet to carpet fibers. Point a fan at the area to speed drying.
If the dish soap didn't take out the stain, repeat using soda water. To remove brown spots, combine one part vinegar in two parts water, blot, and rinse.
Try Ammonia and Shaving Cream
If the stain is stubborn, shaving cream and ammonia may do the trick. Squirt a dollop or two of shaving cream, and gently work it on the stain with your fingers.
Use ammonia as a last resort. Wear gloves, and open windows when you work with ammonia. Combine one tablespoon of ammonia with half-cup of warm water. Blot the stain, rinse, and let it dry.
For more help, contact a copmpany like Class A Cleaning Inc.